Thursday, 29 January 2009
Aralık ayı ortalarında okulumuzda, Comenius projesi kapsamında "Küresel Isınma" konulu bir afiş yarışması düzenlendi.Son başvuru tarihi 6 Ocak'tı. Oldukça yoğun bir ilgi vardı. Yarışmaya katılan tüm öğrencilere teşekkür ediyoruz. Ellerine ve yüreklerine sağlık. Tüm çalışmalar o kadar güzeldi ki!.Hepsini blog sayfada yayınlamak isterdik ama maalesef mümkün değil.Ama proje koridorunda sergileniyor hepsi. Dereceye giren öğrencilerimiz için 12 Ocak 2009 da ödül töreni düzenledik. Törene İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürü Cemal Büyüker, Şube Müdürü Adnan Çavdar,Okul Müdürümüz Ali Bayram Tetik, Müdür Baş Yardımcımız Ali Musa Bina, öğretmenlerimiz ve öğrencilerimiz katıldı.Oldukça keyifli ve gurur verici bir törendi.İlk üç dereceye giren ve mansiyona layık görülen afişlerin yaratıcılarına ödülleri verildi.Afiş yarışmasının her aşamasında yarışmaya katılan öğrencilerimizle resim öğretmenlerimiz Hüseyin Helva ve Serpil Semerci ilgilendi.Onlara çok teşekkür ediyoruz.
(In mid-December, we organized a poster competition the subject of which is "Global Warming". Art teachers were responsible for this competition. We had the award ceremony for the first three winners at 12 January 2009. )
(In mid-December, we organized a poster competition the subject of which is "Global Warming". Art teachers were responsible for this competition. We had the award ceremony for the first three winners at 12 January 2009. )
Saturday, 24 January 2009
The Rainwater Harvesting Tank
On the 21st of January we took an informing visit to the new building of our college 'Medlock'.
‘The Rainwater Harvesting Tank.’
If there is an insufficient amount of rainfall, the tank will be backed up with mains water to ensure that the toilets would always work.
We were looked after by the Estates manager Andy Martin, who took us on a fascinating tour around the construction site.
We had a look at the most important feature of the new area...
‘The Rainwater Harvesting Tank.’
Our tank holds an amazing 8000 litres of water! which is collected by rainwater pipes from the roof of the new building. The water collected is pumped up to a tank situated in the new 'Plant room' on the second floor where it is treated and used to flush the male and female toilets in Medlock.
If there is an insufficient amount of rainfall, the tank will be backed up with mains water to ensure that the toilets would always work.
It is estimated that installing the rainwater harvester will save over
2million litres of water
per year!
The new scheme for phase 2 is just the beginning as much more is planned by the college to help preserve our world for future generations.
'Let's heal the World'
'Let's heal the World'
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